Experience with CASA
He has seen how CASA complements the work of Child Protective Services (CPS) workers. CPS workers have a large caseload, while CASA volunteers have one case, so they are able to spend more dedicated time looking into the child’s case and finding options.
He mentioned the importance of good cooperation between CPS and CASA, and that he’s never had issues with them cooperating. All parties (CPS, CASA, parent attorney, guardian ad litem) generally agree on what to do next in cases. CASA is an equal participant in youth court. They are present in court and the judge asks them for their evaluation.
Court Process
CASA is privately funded, and recruits and trains volunteers. After the volunteers have been trained, Judge Bell holds a swearing in ceremony. When a new case comes to Court, the CASA director will pick a person to be the advocate if they have an available volunteer. The judge then signs the order to appoint that person as the advocate.
What would Judge Bell say to a judge who’s unsure about working with CASA?
Now that he’s worked with CASA for 4-5 years, he doesn’t know how he did it before. He has absolutely benefited from having advocates in his court. The volunteers that he has worked with have been intelligent, caring, and intentionally trained.
Ways to support CASA
Volunteer as an advocate, fundraising, community education and outreachHe says that he encourages many friends of his that say they are interested in becoming foster parents, but can’t make the full commitment, to volunteer with CASA
Ways judges can support CASA
A judge’s best way to support CASA is to talk about how valuable it has been in their court.