Her experience with CASA

Senator Boyd worked at the Attorney General’s office years ago and first found out about the program there through her work on children’s issues, and then learned more fully about CASA later when she was working in Texas. Texas’ CASA program program is large, and Senator Boyd saw how effective the program was. We have the need in Mississippi (and the resources) to build that type of support for our foster care system and CPS. Training CASA advocates from the pool of volunteers statewide would free capacity in under-resourced communities.

Motivating fellow Mississippi legislators

Legislators in areas with CASA can share the story of how much CASA works for their community. CASA fills a huge gap. State agencies are often understaffed, especially right now, and CASA fills that gap.

How can legislators support CASA?

  • Help secure volunteers, a motivated director, etc. Legislators are excellent connectors of people.
  • First step for legislators that want CASA in their community - connect to statewide organization

How can community members support CASA?

  • Become an advocate
  • Financially - Donate or help by participating in fundraising